Always the last in line on projects, developers are often given extra short amounts of time to get their work complete, due to those common crazy deadlines that don’t leave much time or breathing room when it comes to implementation of a design.
Fortunately, Figma plugins have opened the door to more design automation, and can help reduce the distance between design and development much closer to zero. Here are some Figma plugins that help automate common tasks and help any developer ship production ready code and assets from Figma with a few clicks.
Bannerify for Figma
Animate and export production ready banners from Figma to HTML, GIFs and Videos, in seconds.
One of the most dreaded tasks for any developer is taking a Figma file containing dozens of banner designs and having to painstakingly build HTML banners from them. If you hate manually creating banners and want to feel like Keanu Reeves in The Matrix; this Figma plugin is for you.
The Bannerify Figma plugin automatically exports animated banners from Figma to production ready HTML, GIFs or MP4/WebM video files from Figma designs with one click. The real-time preview in the Figma plugin allows you to instantly
Easily add animations to Figma layers
Bannerify comes with a bunch of animation presets for the most common enter/exit keyframe transitions that you can apply to the layers in your banner designs. Everything from fades, slides, rotations, transforms and more advanced animations are included to use without any manual keyframe creation required.
Export Figma designs to production ready HTML
Once you’ve animated all of your banners, you can easily export them to HTML with one click. Bannerify supports exporting to HTML/CSS, GSAP, HTML Canvas, DoubleClick, Google Ads and many other ad servers. All of the clicktags and scripts are automatically included, so you don’t need to write any code at all.
Export Figma designs to production ready GIF or MP4/WebM video
If you’re going to be using your banners on a social platform or somewhere else that doesn’t require HTML banners, you can also export your animated banners from Figma to GIF or MP4/WebM video with one click using the Bannerify Figma plugin.
Automatic preview pages with all of your exported banners
If you want to review all of your exported banners at once, Bannerify automatically includes a preview HTML page that you can open or share with your clients/stakeholders. You can also optionally add your own HTML/CSS to inject your own branding or colour scheme, directly from the plugin.
Emailify for Figma
Easily design and export responsive, production ready HTML emails (eDMs) using Figma.
One of the more painful experiences for developers is building HTML emails with messy tables and code and that looks like it has travelled through time from 1997.
The Emailify Figma plugin lets you design and export responsive, production ready HTML emails automatically from Figma.
Dozens of modules with one click
Emailify lets you quickly build out a design by instantly adding modules to your email with one click, then add your own styles and content using Figma.
Override responsive design styles for mobile
Easily add mobile overrides and HTML properties (links, alt text etc) to a selected layer to avoid manually adding CSS and HTML in code.
Automatically export responsive HTML emails from Figma
No coding required. Export your email designs from Figma to production ready, responsive HTML email code in seconds using Emailify, with one click.
Includes developer friendly MJML source code files
If your developers easily want to make their own updates to the exported code, the Emailify plugin also exports MJML files for total code customisation.
Favvy for Figma
Export production ready favicons (with code) for your website or PWA from Figma in seconds.
Usually forgotten about until the last minute before going live, creating favicons has always been a really weird and annoying process for developers.
The Favvy Figma plugin automatically exports production ready favicons from Figma for your website or PWA (progressive web app) in seconds, with one click.
Preview your favicons in Figma
Favvy works by using any square “frame” layer that you select in Figma and turning it into a production ready favicon package. You can easily preview what the favicon will look like in multiple sizes by clicking on the layer in Figma, and seeing the preview instantly update in the Favvy Figma plugin.
Automatically generate production ready favicons
Favvy gives you all of the files that you need to deploy your favicon to a production website, including all of the .png
and .ico
image files, plus a .browserconfig
and site.webmanifest
for progressive web apps (PWA).
Exports HTML snippets for the head tag
Favvy also generates all of the HTML code for your <head>
tag, which is automatically pre-populated to link to all of the other files in your favicon package.
TinyImage for Figma
Export compressed JPG, PNG, SVG, WebP, AVIF, GIF and PDF files from Figma, reducing sizes by up to 95%.
As a developer, you’re responsible for the speed and performance of your websites and web applications; unfortunately, exporting large images directly from Figma while you’re implementing a design can have a massive hit to your load times.
The TinyImage Figma plugin helps by sitting in the middle and compressing all of the Figma layers you want to export for your website or web application.
Export images up to 95% smaller than Figma
TinyImage supports exporting compressed files in JPG, PNG, SVG, PDF, GIF, AVIF and WebP formats; everything you need to deliver great looking images at super small file sizes. Even with non-aggressive compression levels, you can save up to 95% of the original image sizes exported from Figma.
Advanced settings for total customisation
Using the TinyImage settings panel, you can convert your images into different formats, add password protection to your PDF files, and specify custom/dynamic file/folder path naming conventions to suit your own project folder structure or naming conventions.
Create and export animated GIFs
If you need to create an animated GIF in Figma, TinyImage allows you to create GIFs directly from any layers in your design. You can control every aspect of the GIF, from its speed, to the frame ordering, and easy scaling. The real-time preview in the Figma plugin lets you see your GIF update while you’re tweaking any of the options on the fly.
Create custom, compressed PDF files from your frames
TinyImage allows you to compress your PDF exports, often with up to 95% savings from the original exported Figma file size. You can eiter export individual frames as PDFs or you can merge them into a single PDF, with options to select and re-order your frames. For advanced options, you can also export your PDF in RGB, CMYK or greyscale, and even protect the PDF files with custom passwords directly from the Figma plugin.
CopyDoc for Figma
Update Figma text via CSV/JSON, download Figma comments, and export Microsoft Word docs.
The CopyDoc Figma plugin allows you to import and export text content from your Figma designs. If you’re a developer who needs to extract text content or comments to JSON files; this Figma plugin is for you.
Export your Figma text layers to JSON
As a developer, manually extracting text content from a Figma design can be pretty painful.
CopyDoc allows you to export every text layer in your frames to a JSON file, which gives you a complete overview of your content, and allows you to write scripts that can make use of the JSON data for your websites or other applications.
Re-import Figma text updates from JSON
You can also re-import the JSON file back into Figma if needed. This means you can run a script or manually update the text in your JSON file, and re-import and update those text layers back into your Figma design using the CopyDoc plugin.
CopyDoc will find any text updates by comparing your JSON file and the text layers in the Figma design, then show you all of the differences for review and approval before any text updates are made. Once you’ve selected the updates you want to import, you can update the selected text layers in Figma with a single click.
Export Figma comments to JSON
If you’re collaborating with a design team, and comments are being left inside the Figma file, sometimes it can be difficult to keep track of all the feedback being left on each frame.
CopyDoc has a feature that lets you to quickly export every comment from your Figma file into a JSON with one click; this lets you easily use that JSON data containing all the comments for your own applications or scripts.
Pixelay for Figma
Compare Figma designs with your local website development builds using smart browser overlays.
If you’ve been given the task of implementing a design, you’ll know how “the last 10%” can be really painful, especially when you need to have your creative director sitting next to you showing all the visual differences between your build and the original Figma design.
The Pixelay Figma plugin allows you to easily compare all of your designs (for any size frame) from Figma with your development build, so you can see exactly what’s visually different between the two and make fixes in real-time.
Sync your local development build and designs from Figma
Pixelay grabs the designs from Figma and generates a URL that you can view in the browser; the designs are automatically placed over your real local development URLs, letting you truly compare your designs with the real build.
Easily compare multiple pages and screen sizes
You probably want to be able compare multiple pages (and devices/screen sizes for each of those) at the same time, rather than manually flicking through them one-by-one, right? Pixelay has you covered. Compare as many designs and website URLs as you want at the same time.
Change comparison modes on the fly
Pixelay gives you a bunch of modes to help you compare Figma designs with your website. One-click toggle between: the original Figma design, your website build, transparent overlay, split screen overlay, blended diffing, draggable transparent overlay and pixel guides/rulers.
Measure pixels between elements
You can’t be expected to make something pixel-perfect if you can’t tell how many pixels you need to change. Pixelay has a built-in measurement mode, where you can just drag anywhere on the screen to use the pixel ruler.